Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New year new chance

So last year I had high hopes and started this blog and sure didn't get that far it was not nearly as easy as I expected so I am hoping to get it up and running again this year starting all over from what were we started last year.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I promise to catch up

I have had very sick children

Thursday, February 25, 2010

week 8 ---- Toboggon run

I know this one seems a little lame but, I have had 4 sick kids ALL month long preventing us from getting out and doing cool stuff. I have lots of great ideas once we are not so sick and the weather is warmer.

This week I took the kids outside in the backyard and ran around the yard pulling them on a toboggan, they even got to go over a small snow hill we made. I can honestly say that I have never done this before, and neither my kids .They did enjoy them selves and think it was really cool and I got a good work our running around with 125 lbs of kid being pulling through the snow by me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 7---- Meditation Mondays

This week I will be teaching my children how to mediate and calm their minds. So many children these days are as overworked and stressed as their parents it's time to relax and be one with yourself. I have always enjoyed meditation and yoga. My children do Yoga with me (not nearly as often as I should or would like).

So I am going to start meditation Mondays.
each Monday I will sit quitley with my children and talk them through some meditation exercises, and we will try to fit in Yoga on those days as well.

Update on Meditation Mondays;
They thought sitting still while I was talking them through meditation exersizes was silly,and there were lots of giggles and funny lookes. They did enjoy yoga and said they felt very relaxed afterward.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

week 6---- Kids Peace Core

So I opened up a childrens peace core and our first meeting will be on March 1st. I will post more details about it in March

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 5---- Valentines for the elderly

Wow! week 5 already!

The kids and I are making hand made Valentines cards and handing them out at a nursing home to bring love and joy into the lives of those who may not have a valentine. So this week we will be working on our Valentine cards.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 4----The Giving tree

During the winter months in the north some animals find it difficult to find food to survive so we came up with the giving tree. We do not have a small tree near our house only big oak trees so we took a branch and froze it in a bucket of water, then decorated it with a cheerio garland. We plan on putting various treats out for a furry and feathered friends throughout the winter. So far the animals that we have seen visiting our tree are birds, and squirrels.